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Purge workflow data (Site Settings)


Purge Workflow Data

The Purge workflow data provides the option to delete historic data from the Nintex Workflow database. This option is also available as a NWAdmin operation.
Reasons that data may need to be removed:
  • Deleting old data to decrease the size of the Nintex Workflow content database(s).
  • Deleting data added during testing of a workflow.
  • Deleting data from lists that have been deleted.
Note: When purging workflow data, purge the workflow history list before purging historic data. If you purge historic data first, then the workflow history list items cannot be purged. For more information, please refer to Managing workflow history lists.
To purge workflow data
  1. Navigate to the Purge workflow data settings.
  2. Under Select workflow instances to purge, specify filters to select the workflow instances for which data will be purged.
  • Where the list or library has been deleted: removes historic data for any workflows that are associated to a list that has been deleted.
  • Use custom filter: set the filter parameters.
    • Initiator is: removes historic data for workflows that were started by a specific user.
    • Instance ID is: removes historic data for a specified workflow instance where the instance ID matches the GUID.
    • Last activity before local is: removes historic data for workflow where the last action was before a specific time, specified in server local time.
    • List ID is: removes historic data for workflows associated with a specific internal GUID of a list. 
    • List name is: removes historic data for workflows associated with a specific list name. Please note that this option is only available when purging workflow data on a site level.
    • State is: removes historic data for workflows with a specific state (Completed, Cancelled, Error).
    • Workflow name is: removes historic data for workflows with a specific name.
    3. Click on Query. This will provide a preview of the database entries matching all entered criteria. Queries have been restricted to display a maximum of 5000 records.
    4. Click on Purge. This will delete historic data as specified from the content database(s).
    Note: Once data has been purged, it cannot be recovered without restoring a backed up version of the Nintex Workflow content database.
Note: All records that have been purged previously cannot be reverted back.
Nintex Workflow database tables
Purging historic data will remove data from any of the following tables:
• HumanWorkflowApproverMetadata
• HumanWorkflowApprovers
• HumanWorkflowMapping
• HumanWorkflow
• DataStore
• DataStoreKeys
Purge workflow data (Site Settings)