This workflow action provides a construct to define a number of states that the workflow can be in. Each state contains actions that will execute when the workflow is in that state. The workflow moves between states until it is instructed to end the state machine.
To use the workflow action:
Locate the action in Workflow Actions Toolbox (located on the left hand-side);
Select the action, drag it onto the design canvas and drop it onto a design pearl.
To change the settings used by the action:
For more information on the other options in the drop-down, please refer to the Getting started with the Nintex Workflow designer.
Note: The State machine workflow action cannot be copied.
Action Settings
Select a state from the drop-down to determine which will be used first when the workflow is run.
The State Machine supports the configuration of a number of states. States can be added, deleted and renamed. Deleting a state will delete all actions currently added to it.
The state machine construct uses Change State actions to set which state to run next. The actions in a state are repeated until a Change State action is encountered and all actions in the state have completed executing. Workflow execution does not move to the next state instantly when the Change State action is run. The workflow moves to the next state once all actions in the current state have completed executing.
The states can be made to run in any order and conditions in one state can cause another state to be re-run. The workflow continues executing actions in the state machine until it encounters a Change State action set to "End State Machine." The workflow then exits the state machine and continues with any actions defined below the state machine.
Note: To end a state machine, use the Change State action set to "End State Machine." Errors result from attempting to end state machines using End Workflow or other actions.
The following example image shows a state machine containing three states for each group's approval during an advertisement review cycle: Graphics Team for artwork review, Marketing Department for both content and artwork review, and CEO Approval for review of the entire advertisement. The workflow uses the Change State action to determine the next state. If the Marketing department rejects the artwork, the artwork returns to the Graphics department. If the CEO rejects the advertisement then it returns to the Marketing department.