Date: August 30, 2011
Company: Southwest Research Institute of San Antonio
Contract amount: $4.4 million over 15 months
About the contract: The contract with Southwest Research Institute funds advanced development of a form of a drug called amyl nitrite that can be administered through the nose to treat injuries from exposure to cyanide. While other FDA-approved treatments for cyanide poisoning exist, the existing products must be administered intravenously by medical personnel. A metered-dose nasal spray formulation of amyl nitrite, however, could be administered quickly in the field, keeping affected patients alive until more definitive cyanide treatment can be provided at the hospital.
The contract with Southwest Research Institute will provide the efficacy data necessary to apply for FDA licensure of the drug for cyanide exposure when administered via metered nasal delivery.
Additional information: BARDA is seeking additional proposals for product candidates that potentially could treat illness and injury from acute and delayed chemical agents, as well as improved diagnostic tools to measure the dose a person has received after a chemical exposure. Proposals are accepted through the Broad Agency Announcement BARDA-CBRN-BAA-11-100-SOL-00009 at
Press Release: BARDA Supports Development of Drugs to Treat Chemical Injury
Procurement Announcement: Contract Award under BARDA-CBRN-BAA-10-100-SOL-00012